We are Logis.P

In 2008 kwam vanuit een ziekenhuis in Zwolle de vraag aan de IT-manager om een oplossing te bedenken voor de lange wachtrijen in het ziekenhuis. Dit resulteerde in een oplossing met aanmeldzuilen waarbij de patiënt centraal stond. Het concept van de aanmeldzuil binnen de ziekenhuizen was hiermee geboren.

Ervan overtuigd dat organisaties succesvoller zijn door digitalisering en zelfbediening de toekomst is, werd in 2011 Logis.P, specialist in Patiënten LOGIStiek opgericht. 

Als eerste in Nederland begon Logis.P met het verkopen van aanmeldzuilen met bijbehorende software aan diverse ziekenhuizen die de patiënten logistiek wilden optimaliseren. Aanvankelijk liep de verkoop via een reseller, maar sinds 2018 levert het Zwolse bedrijf de software, benodigde hardware, support en expertise voor de inrichting en implementatie, rechtstreeks aan haar klanten.

In de loop der jaren heeft Logis.P op basis van vragen van klanten het aanbod verbreed. Het resultaat: een geïntegreerd portfolio bezoekers logistiek en managementoplossingen, met toepassingen voor afspraakmanagement, aanmelding, routering en wachtrijmanagement. Het bedrijf is uitgegroeid tot marktleider in patient flow management in Nederland en verovert nu de rest van de markt in Europa. 

Met de acquisitie van Promed Audiovisueel in 2023 heeft Logis.P haar portfolio gericht uitgebreid als totaal dienstverlener in het verbeteren van de informatievoorziening via (o.a.) narrowacasting. 

Wat we doen

What we do

Logis.P believes that automation assists hospitable and efficient visitor experiences; this covers the entire process from the confirmation of an appointment to reception plus all the associated routing and expectation management aspects at play on the part of the visitor. Logis.P helps to map out the visitor’s journey and pragmatically resolves bottlenecks with technology. The visitor’s experience during making an appointment, checking in, routing and information provision while waiting is key in this, and Logis.P strives to ensure that these processes will always run as optimally as possible.



The starting point for all products and services of Logis.P has always been that the visitor (patient, client, citizen or customer) is able to exercise more control over the reception process during his visit; from the first contact with the organization until the visitor walks into the appointment. By integrating a registration terminal or mobile application with all kinds of different business systems, the information provision, flexibility and efficiency are increased, resulting in an improved customer experience and a reduction in costs for the organization.

By using smart software and self-service technology, Logis.P offers organisations greater control over patient and visitor flows.

Facts and Figures


Satisfied customers

Most of our customers from various European countries have been working with us for several years. What they like best is our ‘can-do’ mentality. We are now the market leader in the healthcare industry.


Active integrations

The open character of our software enables us to link up with a wide range of existing systems and ensures that our functionalities are implemented in other systems.

Logins a day

The total number of people that are logged in, registered, guided and informed via our system is growing by the day. The structure of our applications makes it possible to effectively implement them in both large and small organisations.


We consider secure data management and General Data Protection Regulation-proof operation a matter of course in our organisation. Our certifications for information security management systems, both ISO 27001 and NEN 7510, guarantee this.

Our approach

Many facets are at play in the choice of a Patient/Customer Flow Management solution. We consider it extremely important to be able to advise you in the early stages and to jointly find the most suitable solution for your organization. To be able to do so, we use the following step-by-step plan. That way, you can reap the most benefits from our experience and best practices.

1. Intake

The first step consists of the introduction and first meeting with the initiator and/or project manager. We then agree on the organisation’s most important wishes and objectives. We explore the subject matter and determine the (overall) scope. The aim is to collect input for an inspiration session for a more general delegation in line with the wishes and assumptions within the organisation.

2. Inspiration session

The session, which lasts about 2.5 hours, is used to sketch out various scenarios, options and added value for all the different functionalities. We recommend attendance of the session by a broad general delegation because the optimisation of patient logistics and visitor flow affects many departments and officials. This varies from the front office, polyclinics, ICT, management and communication departments up to and including the financial administration. If there is an interest in exploring the feasibility of a project after the inspiration session, it is also possible to schedule an information workshop.

3. Information Workshop

During a series of deep-dive sessions, we exchange substantive information with the stakeholders concerning, among other things, the Technology (including ICT infrastructure/connections), the Process (including concept and design, business case, and return on investment) and the Implementation (including approach, work method and required resources). The Information Workshop serves a dual purpose: the organisation is informed about the impact of the project and is therefore better able to prepare for it. On the other hand, it gives us the necessary insight to be able to draw up a specific offer to ensure that the project will be executed successfully.

4. Implementation

If you have opted for Logis.P, the implementation of the projects will be executed by an expert DevOps team. The team works with the Agile Methodology, which helps to achieve more efficient, faster and better project results. Practice has proven that the Agile Methodology adds a great deal of flexibility and steering, as well as adjustment elements to the project. This is extremely valuable in a rapidly changing environment and enables continuous insight into specific issues.

5. Support

We also guarantee the flawless operation of the system after it has gone into commission. The solution has been proven to be stable. If you still have any further questions, please contact our support department via the support portal or by telephone to ensure that your queries can be adequately resolved and to receive the necessary support. 


One of the guarantees of the quality and reliability of our services is the ISO certification of the information security management system.

Would you like to find out how you can optimise your Visitor’s Journey?

More information

Would you like to find out more about how our solutions work and what their functionalities can do for your organisation? Please submit your details, and one of our professionals will contact you as soon as possible.

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