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Smart Appointment

Free walk-in appointments, such as in the Radiology Department or Blood Collection at the lab, can lead to unpredictable peak traffic. This can suddenly create long queues and overcrowded waiting rooms at certain times. Especially in today's society, crowded waiting rooms are undesirable and not safe.
Hoe voorkom je dit en zorg je ervoor dat de vraag in balans wordt gebracht met de beschikbare capaciteit? Eenvoudig, met Logis.P Smart Appointment! De oplossing om processen van vrije inloop te transformeren naar laagdrempelig werken ‘op afspraak’.


Within hospitals, every effort is made to ensure that patients, visitors and employees alike can stay and work safely in the hospital. Virtually all logistical processes and procedures in the hospital are adapted for this purpose. From separate walking routes in the hospital, adjusted appointment times and intelligent call systems with decentralized waiting rooms to prevent waiting rooms at outpatient clinics from being too full. For planned care processes, where it is known in advance exactly how many patients or visitors will be present at what time, this is feasible.


For unscheduled care, this turns out to be a lot more complicated in practice. When patients can come in on a walk-in basis, there is a real risk of long queues forming. For this reason, many institutions are opting to no longer allow appointments to take place on a walk-in basis, but rather by appointment. Smart Appointment from Logis.P offers a capacity planning and appointment scheduling system to fully support this process.

Appointment scheduling linked to capacity by location

Smart Appointment is part of the Logis.P Universe platform. An advanced web-based application to optimize patient logistics processes for planned- and unplanned care. With Smart Appointment, available capacity per location can be recorded. For all appointment types performed at a location, the duration of an appointment is recorded. By linking this with the opening times and available staff per day, the available capacity in the system is filled. For example, hospital locations may have one or more staff members scheduled for all appointment types and activities throughout the day, but at outpatient clinics in the region, for example at a GP clinic or community center, a staff member is only available for 2 hours in the morning.


In this way, the system provides insight into the available capacity. It is then made known (e.g. via primary care, websites and local media) that services for, for example, blood sampling or the submission of materials can only be done by appointment. This prevents people from coming to the hospital unannounced in large numbers (usually in the morning hours on Mondays and Tuesdays).


To point patients in the right direction for making an appointment, an e-mail can also be sent with the link directly to the web page for making the appointment.

Smart Appointment for the patient

For a patient who has been referred with a request to have blood drawn, Smart Appointment works very simply. A web form can be used to schedule an appointment in 4 steps. When filling out the form, only the options that are available are shown. The look and feel of the application is customized to match the hospital's corporate identity.


By selecting an available time slot at the date/time and location convenient to the patient, an appointment is set. In doing so, a confirmation email is automatically generated. If sign-in kiosks are in use at the lab, a QR code can be included in the mail that allows the patient to sign in; this is not required for small locations without a sign-in kiosk.


Using Smart Appointment supports an end-to-end process that makes unscheduled care predictable, eliminates long wait times for patients and prevents crowded waiting rooms. A clear win-win situation!

Functionalities Logis.P Smart Appointment

Benefits Smart Appointment

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Optimal patient journey at Saxenburgh Medical Centre

De opening van een nieuw ziekenhuis in Hardenberg was de aanleiding om de planning en het ontvangstproces grondig te herzien. De nieuwe methode is vooral privacy-vriendelijker. De grondslag voor Saxenburgh werd in het begin van de twintigste eeuw gelegd dankzij een nalatenschap. Zo konden ziekenhuizen worden gebouwd in Hardenberg en Coevorden. Beide ziekenhuizen fuseerden in 1980 en gingen

To case

Optimal patient journey at Saxenburgh Medical Centre

De opening van een nieuw ziekenhuis in Hardenberg was de aanleiding om de planning en het ontvangstproces grondig te herzien. De nieuwe methode is vooral privacy-vriendelijker. De grondslag voor Saxenburgh werd in het begin van de twintigste eeuw gelegd dankzij een nalatenschap. Zo konden ziekenhuizen worden gebouwd in Hardenberg en Coevorden. Beide ziekenhuizen fuseerden in 1980 en gingen

To case

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Whitepaper - Transitie naar een mobiel digitaal aanmeldproces

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Whitepaper Logis.P - transitie naar mobiel aanmelden

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CassControl for Public Health Service

Wilt u graag inzicht in de technische specs van CassControl en wilt u weten wat CassControl specifiek voor voordelen heeft voor het gebruik binnen de GGD? Vult u hieronder uw gegevens in en wij sturen u direct de technische brochure “CassControl voor GGD” toe.

CassControl voor GGZ-instellingen

Wilt u graag inzicht in de technische specs van CassControl en wilt u weten wat CassControl specifiek voor voordelen heeft voor het gebruik in GGZ-instellingen? Vult u hieronder uw gegevens in en wij sturen u direct de technische brochure “CassControl voor GGZ -nstellingen” toe.

CassControl voor ziekenhuizen

Wilt u graag inzicht in de technische specs van CassControl en wilt u weten wat CassControl specifiek voor voordelen heeft voor het gebruik in ziekenhuizen? Vult u hieronder uw gegevens in en wij sturen u direct de technische brochure “CassControl voor Ziekenhuizen” toe.

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